AMUHP in Australia
Alternative Multi-Unit Housing Provision
a research project in progress by Dr Jasmine S Palmer
The research aims to produce knowledge to advance the development of alternative multi-unit housing provision sectors in Australia.
[1] enable those who want to develop a multi-unit community to do so, working together with their future neighbours to build their own living environment,
[2] examine how the roles of existing and new professional stakeholders change when we 'develop without developers' in Australia.
The primary research question is: "What are the impediments to Alternative Multi-Unit Housing Provision in Australia?"
and other questions addressed will include:
What alternative multi-unit housing provision is occurring in Australian cities?
Who are the key stakeholders in such housing provision?
What barriers to alternative provision are experienced?
How are these experienced or viewed differently by different stakeholders?
Why do some projects succeed and others fail?
What professional or governmental support or intervention is appropriate to successfully realise the living environments proposed by stakeholders?
How can professional capacity/skill respond to support the reconfiguring of actant roles pursued by stakeholders?
My ultimate aim is to see you, as a participant, working together with other households and professionals to self-develop your future homes; building a more sustainable, resilient, and collaborative urban future for Australian cities.